Patients traveling abroad for dental treatment and dentures can save a lot of money – but care is needed.
Implants, prostheses, bridges and crowns can sometimes be purchased for a fraction of the domestic price.
First, it is very important that the patient speaks with the practitioner in the same language.
Dentistry is a matter of trust and requires unrestricted communication between both parties. As a rule, patients must pay the entire bill abroad in cash.
With your local dentist, higher installments are more likely to be paid by installments.
There is only a two-year warranty for dentures within the European Union.
The patient must return to the same practitioner abroad in case of problems or aftercare. This is of course associated with additional costs of travel.
Many dentists abroad additionally calculate the follow-up and follow-up appointments. Usually patients in Germany can visit the practitioner after two years and the work remains comprehensible.
If it should come to a legal dispute, this must be carried out in the foreign jurisdiction. Some legal expenses insurance is only for the domestic and the patient has to pay the legal costs out of his own pocket.
Patients who are interested in having their dentures made abroad should take into account the additional costs of travel, accommodation, rework, aftercare and the partial lack of warranty.
Often, dental prostheses have to be repaired if the patient can not travel for a short period of time, either professionally or privately.
Dentures are expensive in Switzerland and it is the best way to reduce your costs by soliciting and comparing several non-binding cost estimates.
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